The Battle of Yorktown

The Battle of Yorktown, was the last major battle in the revolutionary war.
At the time, the British controlled New York city. There were, however,
American troops there as well, and so the British occupying New York retreated
through many different places eventually landing in Yorktown. George Washington,
ordered the French leader Lafayette, to block the British army from escaping
by land. Meanwhile, a fleet of twenty four French ships blocked the British
from escaping through the water. The British waited in vain for any outside
help, but the help that was sent arrived much too late. One after the other,
Washington, Lafayette, and Hamilton, along with many others took out all of
the British defenses. Eventually, the British were forced to surrender
themselves, although the main commander would not show himself during it.
Recently after this, the treaty of Paris was signed and the Revolutionary war
officially ended. After the treaty of Paris was signed, America was an official
country, and the conflict ended.